
Gammal bild
Är nu hos pappa och stannar här till iaf på fredag. Har ställt in lite tillfälliga saker i mitt rum så jag kan sova här. Här med mig datorn så kommer nog kunna blogga mer. Men nu ska jag gå och bara social med dom andra. 

Cozy Day

Sol, bad, Sol, bad

Igår så var jag ju med tilde, vi solade och badade och hade de rätt bra. Sov också där, men nu är jag hemma igen. 

Gilder runt på fyrhjulingen


AdiaFora & Trädvältarklubben

Efter kalaset igår så kom mamma och hämtade oss, vi åkte till falun och kollade på "konsert". Ni vet dom jag skrev om att vi såg i rättvik, de var dom . Bandet heter alltså "Adiafora & Trädvältarklubben", de sändes även live och ni kan kolla på de här. Efter konserten snackade vi lite med William (han som rappar) och så sa vi att vi såg dom i rättvik och hade tyckt dom var så bra så vi åkte till falun för att se dom också och han ba "de va fan de coolaste jag har hört" hahahaha. 

Casper, 4 år.

Igår åkte jag och lelle till pappa. Casper (min låtsas lillebror) fyllde fyra i fredags och igår hade dom kalas för han. Han fick en fyrhjuling, kommer glida runt på den mycket i sommar, eller dom få veckorna som är kvar, hahaha. 

Bilder - Big Street, Rättvik

Känner mig schysst som tar systers fototn, haha. Men har ju ingen egen kamer så ah hon får väl stå ut med de tills jag skaffar mig en egen kamera, hihi. 

Bilder - Grillkväll i tisdags


Bilder - Förre veckan hos pappa


Orsa, bad, sol, fest typ

Idag åkte vi upp till orsa, var på stranden och solade och badade, riktigt skönt var de. Dock är de otroligt otroligt långgrunt och de var jätte drygt att gå ut så att vattnet var hyfsatt högt, haha. Fattar inte att jag klarat en hel dag utan min mobil, fast nu är nästan all fukt borta, yey. Sen när vi kom hem från orsa så åt vi och gjorde oss bara i årdning och sedan åkte vi till mammas kompis som hade en fest typ. Hade dock inte så kul, haha. Men nu är jag trött och ska snart gå och sova och sen imorgon kan jag förhoppnigsvis använda min mobil igen, yey. 
God natt


Hej, kom ganska nyss hem från Rättvik. Jag, mamma, syster, mina mostrar, kusinerna och mormor åkte dit och åt middag på big street, sjukt gott och så fick vi maten sjukt snabbt, typ max fem minuter efter att vi hade beställt!!! Och så lyckades jag paja mobile, skulle gå på toa och så la jag mobilen på handfats bänken där jag ej såg att de var blött, de är helt blött bakom skärmen och jag har pratat med pappa och han sa att jag inte ska använda den förens på söndag (!!!) då den ska kunna torka, dessutom ska jag inte till pappa förens på söndag så han kan inte fixa den heller, känns inte bra, har ingen annan mobil jag kan ha under tiden heller, jobbigt läge. 
Iaf så har classic car week börjat i rättvik så de va ju ganska mycket raggare där och så va de typ tio killar som hade ett "band" som stog på gatan och spelade, riktigt sköna faktiskt, dom hette typ... nej jag kommer inte ihåg, men dom var grymt sköna iaf, dom speler i falun på söndag  och jag har lust att åka dit och titta på dom igen, får se hur de bli, men nu ska jag sova. 
God natt 

Summer Night Outfit


Summer night

Hade de mys igår kväll, åkte longboard, badade och sen så satt vi bara nere vid bryggan och hade de bra. - R

Rätt vackert



En rosa, tre vita

Hej. I förrgår kom jag hem från borlänge, var hos pappa och fixade i nya huset. Vi målade väggarna i mitt rum, en ljus rosa vägg och resten vitt. Nu återstår de att byta golv, måla fönster sak och dörr och lite annat smått, sen så ska de väl vara ganska så klart. 
Men efter jag har ätit middag ska jag ner till tilde och sova där, men vi hörs väl. 

Random bilder från sis blogg

Asså hahaha. Fula bilder hon lägger upp på mig. Här hittar ni in på hennes blogg. 

Love Will Remember - Selena Gomez

Lyssnar på den om och om igen, riktigt bra låt tycker jag. 

Till pappa

Web-cam bild

Åker till pappa idag, men jag kommer nog hem imorgon igen. Ska väl fixa lite i huset, kanske måla mitt rum. De kommer bli vita väggar. Sen vet jag inte riktigt vad vi ska göra, pappa sa att vi inte kunde göra så jätte mycket på huset, vet inte varför men jaja. Vet inte heller om Wille och Casper är kvar eller om dom har åkt till sin pappa, de visar sig. Har ni tänkt på att jag alltid skriver "de visar sig", hahaha. Ha de braaa.


Sjukt fula bilder, hahah

Solar med molnen


Någon av dessa skulle gärna få sitta på mina fötter, så snyggaaa..

Allmänt lat dag


Borlänge, kupolen

Hej. Kom hem från kupolen för en stund sedan. Var där med linnea. Köpte ett par tränings shorts från stadium. 
Vet inte vad som händer resten av dagen, men de visar sig. xoxo


Hej, har inte bloggat på några dagar nu, har haft fullt upp. Rivit tapeter, busat med wille och casper osv. Idag stack jag till sommarland med kusinerna och deras kusin tilde, vi har typ badat mästa delas av dagen. Asså vet inte vad jag ska skriva, har typ glömt vad som har hänt dom senaste dagarna, hahaha. Har nyss kollat på pll med syster, alltså de är så bra och så spännandeee. 
Ska ta och chilla nu, puzz


God morgon, idag åker jag ner till pappa. Ska bestämma färg till mitt rum där och på tisdag ska vi förmodligen börja måla. Yey. Har inte varit där på ett tag nu. Ska bli kul och se hur mycket dom har hunnit måla osv. Men nu måste jag gå upp och käka frukost/fixa mig, puss puss

Today, black & White

Mina Victoria´s Secret Saker

//Guldig väska//Pink Väska//Pure Seduction body mist//Mini spegel//Pure Seduction body lotion//Pink mjukisbyxor//Pink Hoodie// 
Hoodien, mjukisbyxorna och väskorna beställde jag häär och de andra köpte mamma på arlanda när hon åkte till island. 


Vi kan ju låtsas att de är en beach

Hej, mästa delan av dagen har spenderasts på kusinernas brygga. Fast innan var jag och mamma till hjultorget och kollade igenom lite affärer och tog en lunch på blanks. Vi har iaf hade de rätt bra i solen. Såg en svan som stog på huvudetoch lite så, hahah, den var helt störd. Senare ska vi åka och köpa thai mat, de är så gott. 

Sitter ute i solen och har de bra


Jag och sis gick hem till kusinerna där dom och mina andra kusiner va, vi åt grillat och hade de mys, mysig kväll helt enkelt.

Jul. 11, 2013

Har precis kommit ur duschen efter en PW/springtur med bestie. Innan de va jag ju på gammelfarmors "kalas". Fikade och träffade släkten.
Nu vet jag inte vad jag ska hitta på, äta lite och sen kanske gå ut och sätta mig på altanen och bara ta de lungt. 

96 år, de är gammalt de

Heej. Idag är de torsdag, tror jag.. Asså ingen koll på dagarna längre. Men iaf så fyller min gammelfarmor 96 (!) år idag. Så vi ska typ på kalas för henne. Än så länge har jag bara suttit inne och inte gjort något, men de är rätt skönt de också.



Inte många som är lika starka som dom

Hej. På dagen har jag inte gjort något, eller gick ner till hjultorget med Tilde och köpte jordgubbar. På kvällen fick vi besök av familjen Wirén (dom som har förlorat sin son), de jag trevligt att träffa dom. Dom är så starka, dom skulle kunna skriva en flera hundra sidor tjock bok om vad dom gått igenom. De är så sjukt mycket så de går inte att förstå. Dom åkte nyss iaf och nu ska jag bara ta de lungt och sen lägga mig. Puss

Förra sommaren

Lite bilder från förra sommaren 

Project OLLG


Everything had been leading up to this moment. Jen grabbed my hand and told me it was time to go on. The curtains opened and there he was, waiting for me.

In April of 2010, I decided to create a project called ProjectOLLG with my sister, Paulyn, and two of our friends in hopes of being OLLG at Justin's concert that July. At this time, I was only (11 or 12). We worked incessantly--tweeting thousands of people, making a Twitition with 1,078 signatures, and calling and texting radio stations. The day of the concert, we even handed out screenshots of the Twitition to crew members. That night, none of us were chosen as OLLG, but I decided that I wasn't going to give up. Seeing that girl on that stage made me so hopeful. By mid 2011, I was running the Twitter by myself. As the years passed and with each loss, I found myself working harder and harder. I began emailing, texting, and calling radio stations, news stations, and record labels. I promoted my project around my town and told people about my efforts. I also walked around with a group of friends and got 260+ signatures on a petition to be OLLG. At the end of eighth grade, I even started a side project called Letters To Ellen in attempts of meeting Justin on Ellen Degeneres’ show. Thirty-six people wrote letters for me, saying how much I deserve to meet Justin and 100 people signed a petition for me to be on the show. I collected all the letters in a binder and sent them off. I unfortunately never got a response and I was devastated, but that didn’t stop me. In August of 2012, I posted a video titled Project OLLG. In it, is personal footage of me throughout the years supporting Justin and almost everything I have done for my project. Little did I know that this video would later change my life.

When I found out Justin was coming back to the Bay Area for the second leg of his tour, I begged my parents to let me go, but we weren’t lucky with getting tickets. I set a countdown on my phone 150 days before the concert that said “YOU WILL BE OLLG”. I used it as motivation to get tickets and luckily enough, my sister and I found tickets the Thursday before the show for really cheap! On June 21, 2013, I had a trending day. Dozens of people tweeted #JustinMeetCeryna. The crew didn’t notice it so I had another trending day on June 25th, the day before the concert. This time around, I got more tweets, but the crew still didn’t notice. At this point, all the radio contests for meet and greets had already ended and I was gradually accepting the fact that I wasn’t going to finally meet Justin, but I was still grateful to even be seeing him. The next morning (the 26th and day of the show), people were helping me tweet Scooter. Shelly (@BlackOLLG) recommended that I send the crew my Project OLLG video instead of a picture I had been sending around with a list of everything I have done so I took her advice and tweeted it to the crew a few times. A few minutes later, Justin tweeted: “Who’s going to be OLLG tonight?”. So many people began tweeting Justin and telling him that it should be me. It was incredible. A few minutes later, my parents told me to get off my phone and get ready to leave for the venue. As I was putting on my makeup, my parents were teasing being OLLG and saying “that would be the day”. I shrugged it off and after I finished my makeup, I checked my phone which was blowing up with notifications. All I could see were tweets saying “SCOOTER TWEETED YOU”. My heart instantly dropped to my stomach. I went on his profile and saw that Scooter had tweeted me “I’m glad that you never gave up on your dreams. :)”. At this point, I was screaming and crying. I ran to the computer in my older sister’s room and checked my DMs. Scooter messaged me for my contact info and told me he wanted to meet me. ME. Of all people. Me. To add onto the excitement, I saw that Steve had tweeted me to check my DMs also. I braced myself for what he had to say. He was giving me 3 meet and greets to the show. My sister, Paulyn, (@QueenPaulyn) and even my dad and I started crying. After 3 years of hard work, I would finally be meeting Justin Bieber.

I arrived at HP Pavillion at around 2pm and met up with Taylor (@taylorstclaire) and her friend, Lauren. My sister and I hung out with them the whole day and tried looking for Scooter everywhere, but we couldn’t find him. My dad met up with us later and all five of us got our meet and greet bracelets and got in line. The meet and greets had to be in groups so we all decided to be in the same picture. We waited in a hot stairwell for over an hour until they led us to the backstage area where the meet and greets would be taking place. I was oddly calm at this point. It felt so unreal. While we were in line, Kenny walked by and I asked him if he had seen Scooter. He said that he was in the curtained tent where Justin was taking pictures. Sure enough, there was Scooter on the other side of the barricade which divided the tent entrance and exit. We all yelled out to him but got in trouble by security. Once we reached the front of the line, I got Scooter’s attention and said “Hi Scooter. I’m ProjectOLLG. You told me you wanted to meet me.” Scooter was smiling so wide and told me that it was nice to meet me. He put out his hand for me to shake but I pulled him in for a hug and he was like “I’ll meet you on the other side.” Scooter opened the tent entrance for me and I hugged him again. My group followed behind me, but all of a sudden Scooter said “Wait. Someone take her purse! She’s taking this one by herself.” He walked me up to Justin and said “Justin, I’m taking this one with you. This is ProjectOLLG. She has been trying so hard to meet you.” Justin was smiling and said “Wow. Really?” Even though it was so dark in there, I could still see how perfect he was. I hugged him and I said. “Thank you so much for everything you do.” He was honestly so humbled and said “Thank you so much.” And then, I told him something along the lines of “I know that there has been a lot of negative things in the media lately, but I want you to know that I know you are a good guy.” Justin was so taken back by this and kept thanking me. I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be able to speak, but there’s something about Justin and Scooter that just made me feel so.... calm. The whole time we were talking, the camera kept going off. Scooter then said “A lot of fans around the world would appreciate this right now”. We posed for our picture then security started leading me to the exit. Justin called out to me and said “WAIT. GIVE ME A HUG.” I hugged him then waited for my group to take their picture with him. I stood by Scooter and I thanked him for everything. When it was time to go, instead of saying goodbye, Scooter said “I’ll see you later.” My heart started pounding like crazy. I had no idea what he meant. A million thoughts flashed in my head. I walked out of the tent, practically hyperventilating. This all literally happened in two minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. 

My dad, Paulyn, and I said goodbye to Taylor and Lauren and found our seats which were section 102. Row 22. Seats 1 to 3. I chose seat 1 which was an aisle seat. We got there just in time for Hot Chelle Rae’s performance, but I honestly was in shock and could hardly function. I just went on Twitter and posted about everything that happened. When Justin’s set started, my sister and I danced and sang our hearts out. Nothing else in the world mattered because my dream had come true after all this time. My sister and I kept checking Twitter just in case Scooter DMed me, but after a while, my phone started dying so I put it in my pocket. Before Justin sang Beauty and A Beat, he made a speech how beautiful the audience looked. My sister turned to me and asked if One Less Lonely Girl was the next song and I said “No. I think Beauty and A Beat is next then One Less Lonely Girl.” She asked me if I was okay, both of us thinking the OLLG had already been picked. I told her I was more than fine and so grateful for everything that had already been given to me. I was jamming out to the intro of the song, when all of a sudden, I heard my sister yell “CERYNA!” I turned around and saw Jen standing in front of my sister. Jen showed me her phone and started scrolling through the thousands of tweets people had been sending to the crew about me. She pointed to her screen and said “Hi! Is this you? Are you Ceryna?” And I said yes! She smiled, leaned in closer to me, and asked me the question that every Belieber wants to hear: “Would you like to be the One Less Lonely Girl?” Without hesitation, I yelled “YES.” She grabbed my hand and ran me up the stairs to the lobby and down another set of stairs until we were backstage. We walked through so many doors. I was freaking out and telling her how I didn’t think this was going to happen and how grateful I was. She told me that the whole crew had watched my Project OLLG video and that they saw everyone’s tweets. She said that I deserved it after working so hard. Once we got to the back of the stage, I saw Kenny and told him that in October, I tried giving him my ProjectOLLG binder (it was a binder with copies of Letters to Ellen, Twitlongers, petitions, pictures, etc.) He said he remembered me and congratulated me. Jen then walked me over to Alfredo and he also congratulated me. Jen and Fredo were so nice. They didn’t treat me like a fan. They tried making me laugh as much as possible and were just so sweet. They led me to the bottom of the steps and I could hear One Less Lonely Girl starting. I almost walked through the curtains at the beginning of the song because I was so excited. Jen and I were talking about my video when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and there was the person I had been hoping to see “later”: Scooter. He was smiling and congratulated me. I hugged him and thanked him for everything he had done for me. Jen took my hand and walked me up the steps. One of the dancers quickly peeked over at us through the curtains and started cheering and pointing to me. Scrappy walked out of a room hidden by curtains and I immediately hugged him and he congratulated me too before he left. Jen told me to look up. Dan was looking down at me from the highest platform on the stage, waving at me. I could hear the chorus ending. Everything had been leading up to this moment. I told Jen that I didn’t know what to do or where to go and she said that the dancers would help. Jen grabbed my hand and told me it was time to go on. The curtains opened and there he was, waiting for me. Jen let go of my hand and I think it might have been Luke who took my hand and walked me over the Justin. Justin took my hand and led me to the throne. He sat me down, stroked my face and then my hair, and put the crown on my head. Justin sat down on the side of the throne and hugged me and I hugged him back making the crown fall off. He kept stroking my thigh and my face. I felt like I was dreaming. He got up, stood in front of me, grabbed my hands, put them on his shoulders, and let his hands run down my sides and legs. We swayed back and forth for a few seconds before we separated and he took my hands, made me stand up, and then me down the steps of the throne. I didn’t expect this at all so I almost tripped when getting down. I thought we were going to walk down the catwalk at first so I kept walking and he let me go in front of him. All of a sudden, I felt his arms around my waist and he pulled me in closer. We rocked back and forth for a few seconds before he turned me around by my waist to face him, making my crown fall once again. (I’m clumsy okay.) I put my hands on his shoulders and we slow danced. I rested my forehead against his and we looked in each other’s eyes. None of this felt real. As stupid as this sounds, I looked down at his tattoos for a second, telling myself that if they weren’t there, I was probably dreaming, but they were there--the slightest detailing and shading visible. This was very much real and so was he. The person I had looked up to since April of 2009, the person that helped me through hardship, the person whose music I always turned to especially when people weren’t there for me, the person I had spent three years trying to meet and thank for everything was in my arms and I was in his. The chances of being One Less Lonely Girl that night was a one in 17,000 chance and I was that ONE. I kept telling myself that I’d wake up any second from this dream, but this was all reality. This was real. We pulled each other in for a hug and I just felt so comfortable and safe. I didn’t feel like I was hugging Justin Bieber, the superstar that the media *cough TMZ* talks so negatively about. This was the real Justin-- the most humble, kind, gentle, normal, and even flirtatious person I have ever met. I had first seen this side of him personally during the meet and greets and even as we danced, I just could tell how much he cares about his Beliebers. When the song ended, Justin asked me “What’s your name, sweetie?”. I was in a daze and couldn’t hear him so I said “what?” He repeated himself. And I said “Ceryna!” really loudly so he could hear me over the crowd that I had practically forgotten was there. He said “Ceryna?”. Then I nodded and asked “Would you like to go backstage with me, Ceryna?” He took my hand again and we ran off stage together. We kind of kept running for a second when Jen called out to me and said “Over here!” Justin and I let go of each other’s hands and he ran into a curtained room for a clothes change. I walked over to Jen and Alfredo and all three of us were going crazy. Part of our conversation went something like this-


Jen: I don’t think he’s ever been that touchy before.

Me: He grabbed me from behind!

Fredo: You should have twerked on him!

Jen: Her dad’s here!

Fredo: OHH.

Me: I would have, but I don’t have a booty though. Asian problems.

Honestly, the whole crew was so easy to talk to. They genuinely do care about each and every single one of us. I kept thanking the both of them and Alfredo was like “Awww. You’re so cute.” I died. I thought Jen and Alfredo were taking me back to my seat, but instead, they led me into an empty dressing room, made me sit down on a couch, and they sat in front of me. Alfredo held up his camera and said “Tell me everything about your project.” I told them about the doubters and everything I had done. I also mentioned how amazing Justin, his crew, and his fans are and that everything was possible because of them. After Alfredo stopped recording, the three of us took two selfies for Jen to post on Twitter--one with all of us sticking our tongues out and another with us smiling. We walked out of the backstage area and back into the arena. Justin was already singing Believe when we got out there. Alfredo turned to me and said “THIS ONE IS FOR YOU. BELIEVEEEE.” The three of us ran up the stairs in between the aisles and as we did, so many people called out to me. Jen turned to me and said “YOU’RE FAMOUS.” We went through the lobby again and then let Alfredo walk through the door leading to my aisle. Once he was across from my row, he pointed his camera back up to me. Everyone turned to me and I was ambushed. I ran up to my sister and hugged her. So many people crowded around us and started taking pictures of me. Jen told me to go hug my dad so I broke through the crowd of people and jump hugged my dad. More and more people came up to me. Some people even started reaching for the crown and were patting it. It was absolute chaos. I waved goodbye to Jen and Alfredo and then they left. I turned my phone back on to tweet that I had been picked as OLLG, but it seemed like the rest of the world already knew. For the rest of the show, people asked me for pictures. Someone in front of me kept casually taking videos of me then Justin then me then Justin. It was really funny. When the lights turned on, my sister made me run to the parking lot. It was the craziest, but also best night of my life. I plugged my phone in in the car and started scrolling through Twitter. Jon Chu Instagrammed a picture of Justin serenading me that said “she got it.” I had dozens of new text messages, thousands of new mentions, and hundreds of unread DMs. Halfway into my ride home, Scooter tweeted “Such a great night. And @ProjectOLLG never say never :) #dreamBIG” When I got home, I didn’t feel like any of this really happened. I was in shock. My whole family and I stayed up until 1am looking at pictures and videos of me onstage. My parents told me to go to bed, but I stayed up on Twitter, unable to sleep. When I was finally about to go to bed at 2 in the morning, Justin tweeted me “Thanks for always supporting me and what u said. Meant alot”. The fact that he remembers what I told him at the meet and greets makes me so happy. He deserves to know how amazing he is. This all seems so unreal. It only hit me this morning that this actually happened when I called someone and told them about what happened and repeated the ten words that changed my life that Jen had said to me the night before: “Would you like to be the One Less Lonely Girl?”. These emotions come in waves. I just can't help but crying because my dream came true.

ANYONE can be picked as OLLG regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, age, seat location, etc. I’m so tired of people saying that OLLGs are all skinny, blonde, supermodels that sit on floor. In case you haven’t noticed, beauty takes on many forms. Take this from a 15 year old girl who used to always beat herself up over her appearance and had seats in lower level. I hadn’t felt more beautiful and special in my entire life. Just because you don’t look a certain way, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get picked. 

Justin and his crew are such kind hearted, selfless people. Team Bieber is amazing. When I woke up that morning, I didn’t know that any of that was going to happen to me. For the three years that this project has been active, there have been so many times when I just wanted to quit, but in the end, I knew that all this hard work would be worth it. So if you’re at a point in your life where you just want to give up on your dreams, goals, or yourself, please don’t. Miracles happen every day and mine happened 24 hours ago. I am so blessed to have had such an incredible opportunity. Even as I type this, I still can’t believe that this happened to me. When I look at the pictures, videos, and gifs all over so many social media websites, I can not even begin to express my gratitude toward Justin, his crew, and all of you. You helped turn this dream into a reality. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I hope you never give up on your dreams because anything is possible if you work hard and June 26th was proof of that. Thank you all so much. 

I hope that all of your dreams come true,

Om ni ser alla videor och läser texten så förstår ni, hon måste vara den lyckligaste tjejen. 
Har tagit texten från de hon själv skrivit, därför de är på engelska och jag orkar inte översätta. 

Beach 2013



Just nu är nästan alla utomlands. En av mina kompisar befinner sig i USA, JAG VILL OCKSÅ. De är en av mina drömmar att komma till USA. Los Angeles och New York är dom städerna jag helst besöker. De händer väldigt ofta att jag går in och kollar på massa resor dit och att jag sen går in på google earth och söker på t.ex los angeles och sen sitter jag och drömmer mig bort.
Nej, min familj är inte rik och kan inte helt spontant på en torsdag kväll boka en dyr resa till Los Angeles. Men är de ändå inte lite så att man måste kämpa för att nå sina drömmar? De skulle inte vara kul att få allt man ville helt spontant, men vill ha ett mål och kämpa för de. Visst skulle de vara skönt att ba kunna göra vad man vill utan att ha ett hinder som t.ex för lite pengar, men om man kämpar för de så käns de liksom mycket roligare när drömmen är nådd, då kan man känna att man är mer värd de. 
Jag får fortsätta drömma vidare och hoppas på att jag en dag kommer dit. 


Heej. Idag va jag och Julia till sommarland som ni ser på videon här under. Sen när vi kommit hem så åkte jag till Tilde och vi gick ut och åkte longboard och sen så gick vi ut och sprang. Bra dag.

Dom tre senaste dagarna

I fredags åkte ju jag och lovisa till borlänge och kollade på dalle som sagt, de är en fotbolls cup för er som inte visste de. Sen när jag kom hem gick jag och syster upp på hotellet och åt, sen hände de inte mycket mer. 
Igår tillbringade jag dagen hos tilde. Vi åkte båt och hade de grymt. På kvällen gick jag till kusinerna och åt grillat och vi badade i deras jaccuzzi eller hur de nu stavas, haha. Och idag har hela dagen tillbringats på bryggan, vädret är på topp. Badat några gågner och så har jag ju jobbat på brännan hela dagen, de har gett lite resultat också. 

Wishes - del 2



Hej. Sitter på tåget med Lovisa mot Borlänge. Vi ska kolla på dalle. Hör av mig senare, puss

Update på designen



Sitter på tåget mot Lidköping. Jag och pappa ska ner och köpa en ny bil. Åkte med ett tåg som gick 08:04, vi hann åka med de i tio minuter innan de gick sönder mitt ute i ingenstans typ. Vi satt och väntade i två och en halv timme ungefär. Sedan kom ett tåg och drog oss tillbaka in till Borlänge station där vi fick byta till ett annat tåg, men nu så sitter vi iaf på tåget och de värkar fungera, haha. Ha de bra, puss

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